In 2050, Earth has become a dry and desolate place. Fighter pilot Nova is forced to travel back in time to prevent a devastating environmental disaster, however an unforeseen side-effect of time trave...
Filming a vampire flick in an old, abandoned manor house should have worked like a dream, but the film crew is out of their depth, over schedule and desperate to get the shoot finished and go home.How...
Petty criminal Naai Sekar kidnaps dogs belonging to the rich in order to collect a ransom, but makes a critical mistake when he abducts the dog of a ruthless gangster....
A Girl and A Guy is a modern tale of young adults navigating the tricky world of relationships, connection, and intimacy in today's society. The film tells the story of a girl, the story of a guy, and...
We meet, we get to know each other, we fall in love; we kiss, we embrace, we get physical, and we enjoy the moment, but does it mean that we really have each other? Is it possible that all kinds of de...
Phnom Penh, aujourd’hui. Trois jeunes, trois perspectives, trois parcours. Songsa, adolescent introverti, est envoyé dans la capitale par sa famille pour vendre des vêtements dans un tuk-tuk. Phearu...